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 A new play D.H. Lawrence's The Horse-Dealer's Daughter is being performed in Chatham and London in April and May, 2006.
More details.


  • D.H. Lawrence's Lady Chatterley's Lover: A Critical Study
  • D.H. Lawrence: Infinite Sensual Violence
  • D.H. Lawrence: Symbolic Landscapes
  • The Passion of D.H. Lawrence
  • D.H. Lawrence: Selected Poems




  • Nature Poetry From Langland to Lawrence
  • Lawrence Durrell: Between Love and Death, Between East and West
  • Blinded By Her Light: The Love-Poetry of Robert Graves
  • Sexing Hardy: Thomas Hardy and Feminism
  • Thomas Hardy's Jude the Obscure: A Critical Study
  • Thomas Hardy's Tess of the d'Urbervilles: A Critical Study
  • Love and Tragedy: A Study of Thomas Hardy
  • Thomas Hardy: The Tragic Novels
  • Thomas Hardy: Selected Poems
  • The Poetry of Landscape in Thomas Hardy
  • Thomas Hardy and John Cowper Powys: Wessex Revisited
  • The Ecstasies of John Cowper Powys



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    I know that man cannot live by his own will alone. With his soul, he must search for the sources of the power of life. It is life we want. I know that where there is life, there is essential beauty. Genuine beauty, which fills the soul, is an indication of life, and genuine ugliness, which blasts the soul, is an indication of morbidity. - But prettiness is opposed to beauty. I know that, first and foremost, we must be sensitive to life and to its movements. If there is power, it must be sensitive power... What is alive, and open, and active, is good. All that makes for inertia, lifelessness, dreariness, is bad. This is the essence of morality. What we should live for is life and the beauty of aliveness, imagination, awareness, and contact. To be perfectly alive is to be immortal.

    (D.H. Lawrence, from "Return to Bestwood")

    Living is not simply not-dying. It is the only real thing, it is the aim and end of all life.

    (D.H. Lawrence, from A Study of Thomas Hardy)

    ...the novel is a perfect medium for revealing to us the changing rainbow of our living relationships. The novel can help us to live, as nothing else can.

    (D.H. Lawrence)



    D.H. Lawrence's Lady Chatterley's Lover: A Critical Study

    by Joanna Finn-Kelcey

    A new study of Lawrence's controversial last novel of transformative lovemaking, concentrating on issues such as gender, feminism, politics and censorship.

    Joanna Finn-Kelcey has taught European languages at the University of Cambridge and Ohio State University. Her books include Mediaeval Representations (1991) and Dante Studies: Dante in Love, on the Vita Nuova (Crescent Moon, forthcoming).

    Bibliography, notes 157pp  ISBN 1-86171-036-4     £14.99 / $23.50   forthcoming

    My soul softly flaps in the little Pentecostal flame with you, like the peace of fucking. We fucked a flame into being. Even the flowers are fucked into being, between the sun and the earth.

    (D.H. Lawrence, from Lady Chatterley's Lover)

    I am in a quandary about my novel, Lady Chatterley's Lover. It's what the world would call very improper. But you know it's not really improper - I always labour at the same thing, to make the sex relation valid and precious, instead of shameful. And this novel is the furtherest I've gone. To me it is beautiful and tender and frail as the naked self is, and I shrink very much even from having it typed.

    (D.H. Lawrence, letter, 1927)


    D.H. Lawrence

    Infinite Sensual Violence

    by M.K. Pace

    'Infinite sensual violence' is one of the phrases Lawrence employs in his two great novels, The Rainbow and Women in Love which, with Lady Chatterley's Lover, form the heart of this study of love, emotion, sexuality, gender, identity and feminism in Lawrence's work. Pace sees Lawrence as still today one of the most challenging of writers, whose provocative, angry and sometimes simplistic ideas polarize critics and feminists.

    Bibliography, notes  ISBN 1-898283-13-3 124pp     £14.99 / $23.50

    "How wonderful!" cried Ursula, in low, calling tones. "How wonderful!"
    And she went forward, plunging into it. He followed behind. She too seemed to melt into the glare, towards the moon.
    The sands were as ground silver, the sea moved in solid brightness, coming towards them, and she went to meet the advance of the flashing, buoyant water. She gave her breast to the moon, her belly to the flashing, heaving water. He stood behind, encompassed, a shadow ever dissolving.
    She stood on the edge of the water, at the edge of the solid, flashing body of the sea, and the wave rushed over her feet.
    "I want to go," she cried, in a strong, dominant voice. "I want to go."
    He saw the moonlight on her face, so she was like metal, he heard her ringing, metallic voice, like the voice of a harpy to him.
    She prowled, ranging on the edge of the water like a possessed creature, and he followed her. He saw the froth of the wave followed by the hard, bright water swirl over her feet and her ankles, she swung out her arms, to balance, he expected every moment to see her walk into the sea, dressed as she was, and be carried swimming out.
    But she turned, she walked to him.
    "I want to go," she cried, in the high, hard voice, like the scream of gulls.
    "Where?" he asked.
    "I don't know."

    (D.H. Lawrence, from The Rainbow)



    D.H. Lawrence

    Symbolic Landscapes

    by Jane Foster

    This book analyzes the rich discourses of mythology, symbolism, form, eroticism and landscape in D.H.Lawrence's fiction. Foster traces Lawrence's symbols (tigers, suns, fish, peacocks) in many of the short stories, as well as the major novels. 'Spirit of place' was always important for Lawrence, and Foster's study investigates how Lawrence's concept of place informed his fiction, poetry and travel books.

    Bibliography, notes, 121pp  ISBN 1-898283-22-2     £14.99 / $23.50

    She slid off all her clothes and lay naked in the sun, and as she lay she looked up through her fingers at the central sun, his blue pulsing roundness, whose outer edges streamed brilliance. Pulsing with marvellous blue, and olive, and streaming white fire from his edges, the sun! He faced down to her with his look of blue fire, and enveloped her breasts, and her face, her throat, her tired belly, her knees, her thighs and her feet.

    (D.H. Lawrence, from Sun)

    What we lack is cosmic life, the sun in us and the moon in us. We can't get the sun in us by lying naked like pigs on a beach... We can only get the sun by a sort of worship: and the same the moon. By going forth to worship the sun, worship that is felt in the blood.

    (D.H. Lawrence, from Apocalypse)


    The Passion of D.H. Lawrence

    by Jeremy Robinson

    This book explores why the fiction of D.H. Lawrence continues to fascinate critics and delight readers. With television and film adaptions being churned out (notably by Ken Russell), biographies and feminist tracts being written, and much pious chattering in the media about the Lady Chatterley trial, D.H. Lawrence's work remains as topical as ever.

    Jeremy Robinson's books include Glorification: Religious Abstraction in Renaissance and 20th Century Art (1990), Arthur Rimbaud (1992), Lawrence Durrell (1995) and Detonation Britain: Nuclear War in the UK (1997). He edits two magazines, Passion and Pagan America (a journal of America poetry).

    With notes and bibliography. 140pp  ISBN 1-871846-36-6     £14.99 / $23.50

    Trembling with keen triumph, his heart was white as a star as he drove his kisses nearer.
    "My love!" she called, in a low voice, from afar. The low sound seemed to call to him from far off, under the moon, to him who was unaware. He stopped, quivered, and listened.
    "My love," came again the low, plaintive call, like a bird unseen in the night.
    He was afraid. His heart quivered and broke. He was stopped.
    "Anna," he said, as if he answered her from a distance, unsure.
    "My love."
    And he drew near, and she drew near.
    "Anna," he said, in wonder and birthpain of love.
    "My love," she said, her voice growing rapturous. And they kissed on the mouth, in rapture and surprise, long. And again they were kissing together. Till something happened in him, he was strange. He wanted her. He wanted her exceedingly. She was something new. They stood there folded, suspended in the night.

    (D.H. Lawrence, from The Rainbow)

    The things one cares about are all inside, like seeds in the ground in winter. But one has to attend to the things one only half cares about. And so life passes away. I expect it is always so, in the winter of our discontent, when the outside is mostly rather horrid and out of connection with the something that struggles inside. Luckily the inside thing corresponds with the inside thing in just a few people.

    (D.H. Lawrence, letter, March, 1928)



    D.H. Lawrence

    Selected Poems

    by D.H. Lawrence

    edited with an introduction by Margaret Elvy

    D.H. Lawrence's strident and idiosyncratic evocations of sex, touch, Spring, flowers, nature, love, black suns, fish and other glories are gathered here in this new selection.

    British Poets Series Bibliography, notes  ISBN 1-898283-12-5 72pp  £5.99 / $9.50


    Come not with kisses
    not with caresses
    of hands and lips and murmurings;
    come with a hiss of wings
    and sea-touch tip of a beak
    and treading of wet-webbed, wave-working feet
    into the marsh-soft belly.



            To read extracts from the above books, click below:


    The Crescent Moon Book of Nature Poetry, From Langland to Lawrence

    edited by Margaret Elvy

    An anthology of great nature poems, including the Elizabethan pastorals of Spenser, Shakespeare, Raleigh and Drayton, and classics of nature mysticism by Chaucer, Langland, Thomson, Blake and Wordsworth, among others. Famous anthology pieces nestle amongst lesser known poems, including some neglected women poets, and American poets such as Lowell and Dickinson.

    Bibliography, notes  96pp  ISBN 1-898283-30-3    £7.99 / $12.50

    Glory is of the sun, too, and the sun of suns,
    and down the shafts of his splendid pinions
    run tiny rivers of peace.

    Most of his time, the tiger pads and slouches in a burning peace.
    And the small hawk high up turns round on the slow pivot of peace.
    Peace comes from behind the sun, with the peregrine falcon, and the owl.
    Yet all of these drink blood.

    (D.H. Lawrence, 'Glory')

    For more nature poetry


    Lawrence Durrell

    Between Love and Death, Between East and West

    by Jeremy Robinson

    A new critical survey of the novelist who died in 1990. The author studies in detail all of Durrell's work; the late series of novels The Avignon Quintet, the Tunc and Nunquam novels, the travel books, the Antrobus diplomatic sketches, the letters, the poetry, and the books that made Durrell's name in the late 1950s, The Alexandria Quartet. Robinson discusses Durrell's creative friendships with Henry Miller especially, and also Anais Nin, Richard Aldington and others. The inter-related themes of love, art and death form the core of all Durrell's work. Durrell emerges as a major writer, who developed the literary modernism of Proust, Eliot and Joyce and fused it with Oriental philosophy. Still critically neglected, this study offers a much-needed new appraisal of Durrell.

    Jeremy Robinson's books include Glorification: Religious Abstraction in Renaissance and 20th Century Art (1990), Arthur Rimbaud (1992), Lawrence Durrell (1995) and Detonation Britain: Nuclear War in the UK (1997). He edits two magazines, Passion and Pagan America (a journal of America poetry).

    Bibliography, notes 205pp  ISBN 1-871846-03-X     £14.99 / $23.50

    I love him because he is a rotten artist at bottom! He is concerned with something that is beyond either his art or himself. I like the struggle in him - the heroic struggle.

    (Lawrence Durrell writing to T.S. Eliot about D.H. Lawrence)

    Lawrence Durrell, extract

    Lawrence Durrell

    Between Love and Death, East and West (new edition)

    by Jeremy Robinson

    A new edition, with a new introduction and up-to-date bibliography.

    Bibliography, notes  135pp  ISBN 1-86171-066-6  £15.99 / $25.00


    Blinded By Her Light

    The Love-Poetry of Robert Graves

    by Jeremy Robinson

    Robert Graves, who died in 1985, is one of Britain's best love-poets, though he was first known as a war poet and author of Goodbye to All That and later the I, Claudius novels. This book focuses on his highly individual love-poetry, which is marked by lucidity, passion and freshness. The author relates the poetry to the central Gravesian concerns of the White Goddess; the magical landscapes; the role of the true, dedicated poet; the concept of Muse-poetry; his relations with Laura Riding; the Single Poetic Theme of the Goddess and Her consort, the dying god; and the mythological surveys, in particular The White Goddess and The Greek Myths. Throughout the book Graves is set alongside the erotic poetry traditions of ancient Greece and Rome, Sufism, courtly love, Elizabethan and Romantic poetry. His poetic oeuvre is compared with Petrarch's Rime Sparse and Shakespeare's Sonnets, as well as the English poetic tradition: Skelton, Donne, Keats, Hardy, Eliot and Yeats. The author also discusses Graves' associations with symbolism, witchcraft, mythology, folklore and psychology. All the major poems are featured in this important contribution to Graves studies. This is the only study of the whole of Graves' late love-poetry available.

    Bibliography, notes  161pp  ISBN 1-871846-11-0     £14.99 / $23.50



    Sexing Hardy: Thomas Hardy and Feminism

    by Margaret Elvy

    There are surprisingly few feminist analyses of Hardy, and most do not get beyond vague notions of sexism and misogynism, in the Kate Millett manner. Elvy's book, however, uses up-to-date research in the fields of cultural studies, feminist poetics, gay, lesbian and queer theory. This new, postmodern and incisive exploration of Hardy offers an exciting and radical reappraisal of the discourses of gender, desire, class, economy, socialization, identity and patriarchy in his fiction and poetry.

    Margaret Elvy is assistant professor, Dept of English, at Dartmouth College, Hanover, New Hampshire. She has written books on George Eliot, Margaret Atwood and Toni Morrison. She has three books on Thomas Hardy from Crescent Moon (Thomas Hardy's Jude the Obscure, Thomas Hardy's Tess of the d'Urbervilles and Sexing Hardy: Thomas Hardy and Feminism).

    Thomas Hardy Studies Series    Extensive bibliography and notes   195pp  ISBN 1-871846-93-5     £14.99 / $23.50

    They [Marty and Giles] had no remarks to make to each other, and they uttered none. Hardly anything could be more isolated or more self-contained than the lives of these two walking here in the lonely hour before day, when grey shades, material and mental are so very grey. And yet their lonely courses formed no detached design at all, but were part of the pattern in the great web of human doings then weaving in both hemispheres from the White Sea to Cape Horn.

    (Thomas Hardy, from The Woodlanders)

    Thomas Hardy, from Sexing Hardy: Thomas Hardy and Feminism


    Sexing Hardy

    Thomas Hardy and Feminism

    (new edition)

    by Margaret Elvy

    This new edition includes a new introduction and a new bibliography.

    Extensive bibliography and notes  188pp  ISBN 1-86171-065-8  £15.99 / $25.00

    Thomas Hardy's Jude the Obscure: A Critical Study

    by Margaret Elvy

    Hardy's last, great novel is lucidly analyzed employing up-to-date developments in gender, feminist and cultural studies. Sue Bridehead is reinstated as central to the novel, and to Hardy's bitter, polemical attack on the institutions of marriage, religion, education, sexuality, identity, gender and politics.

    Margaret Elvy is assistant professor, Dept of English, at Dartmouth College, Hanover, New Hampshire. She has written books on George Eliot, Margaret Atwood and Toni Morrison. She has three books on Thomas Hardy from Crescent Moon (Thomas Hardy's Jude the Obscure, Thomas Hardy's Tess of the d'Urbervilles and Sexing Hardy: Thomas Hardy and Feminism).

    Thomas Hardy Studies Series   Bibliography and notes  143pp  ISBN 1-86171-007-0     £14.99 / $23.50

    ...there is nothing perverted or depraved in Sue's nature. The abnormalism consists in disproportion, not in inversion, her sexual instinct being healthy as far as it goes, but unusually weak and fastidious. Her sensibilities remain painfully alert notwith-standing, as they do in nature with such women. One point illustrating this I could not dwell upon: that, though she has children, her intimacies with Jude have never been more than occasional, even when they were living together. (I mention that they occupy separate rooms, except towards the end), and one of her reasons for fearing the marriage ceremony is that she fears it would be breaking faith with Jude to withhold herself at pleasure, or altogether, after it; though while uncontracted she feels at liberty to yield herself as seldom as she chooses. This has tended to keep his passion as lust at the end as at the beginning, and helps to break his heart. He has never really possessed her as freely as he desired.

    (Thomas Hardy, writing to Edmund Gosse about Jude the Obscure)

    Thomas Hardy's Tess of the d'Urbervilles: A Critical Study

    by Margaret Elvy

    A detailed and incisive analysis of Hardy's classic novel, using the latest research in feminism, gay, lesbian and queer theory, and cultural studies. Elvy offers a thorough reappraisal of Hardy's favourite heroine. She incorporates much of recent Hardy criticism, in which Hardy has been reappraised in the light of materialist, psychoanalytic, gender, poststructuralist and feminist criticism.

    Margaret Elvy is assistant professor, Dept of English, at Dartmouth College, Hanover, New Hampshire. She has written books on George Eliot, Margaret Atwood and Toni Morrison. She has three books on Thomas Hardy from Crescent Moon (Thomas Hardy's Jude the Obscure, Thomas Hardy's Tess of the d'Urbervilles and Sexing Hardy: Thomas Hardy and Feminism).

    Thomas Hardy Studies Series    Bibliography and notes  132pp  ISBN 1-86171-006-2     £14.99 / $23.50

    Thomas Hardy's Tess of the d'Urbervilles

    Love and Tragedy: A Study of Thomas Hardy

    by Jeremy Robinson

    The discourses of societal oppression, sexual repression, love, education, identity, pain and tragedy, myth and religion are Thomas Hardy's main themes. This lucid analysis of Hardy's ethics begins with the major novels and ends with an investigation of Hardy's philosophy. Not a pessimist or a 'negative' thinker, Hardy emerges as a socially committed realist, who saw that much of the pain of life is created by people, not necessarily by 'fate', time, circumstance, luck, chance or the world.

    Thomas Hardy Studies Series    Bibliography, notes, 121pp  ISBN 1-871846-40-4     £14.99 / $23.50

    Let us off and search, and find a place,
    Where yours and mine can be natural lives,
    Where no one comes, who dissects and dives
    And proclaims that ours is a curious case,
    Which its touch of romance can scarcely grace.

    (Thomas Hardy, from 'The Recalcitrants')

    Thomas Hardy: The Tragic Novels

    by Tom Spenser

    Love, sexuality, gender, identity, politics, marriage and tragedy are the main discourses analyzed here, from a feminist perspective. Spenser reappraises Hardy's key texts (the five novels Tess of the d'Urbervilles, Jude the Obscure, The Mayor of Casterbridge, The Woodlanders and The Return of the Native) and employs the latest methodologies of feminist and cultural theory.

    Tom Spenser is a poet and critic. His poetry books include Borderlands (1994) and Be-coming (1991). He has written a biography of John Keats (1986) and a collection of essays on poets such as Sappho, Catullus, Tasso and Neruda (Romantic Configurations, 1984). He lives near Abbotsbury, Dorset.

    Thomas Hardy Studies Series   Index, bibliography, notes. 160pp  ISBN  1-871846-07-2     £14.99 / $23.50


    Thomas Hardy: Selected Poems

    edited, with an introduction by A.H. Ninham

    Many of Thomas Hardy's best poems are collected here, including 'The Darkling Thrush', 'In Tenebris', 'Wessex Heights' and 'Afterwards'. This selection includes many of Hardy's most poignant love poems, such as 'The Recalcitrants', 'The Picnic' and 'He Prefers Her Earthly'.

    British Poets Series  Bibliography, notes  ISBN 1-898283-11-7 61pp  £5.99 / $9.50


    Can it be so? It must be so,
    That visions have not ceased to be
    In this the chiefest sanctuary
    Of her whose form we used to know.
    - Nay, but her dust is far away,
    And ëwhere her dust is, shapes her shade,
    If spirit clings to flesh,,í they say:
    Yet here her life-parts most were played!

    Her voice explored this atmosphere,
    Her foot impressed this turf around,
    Her shadow swept this slope and mound,
    Her fingers fondled blossoms here;
    And so, I ask, why, why should she
    Haunt elsewhere, by a slighted tomb,
    When here she flourished sorrow-free,
    And, save for others, knew no gloom?

    (Thomas Hardy, 'Her Haunting Ground')

    Thomas Hardy, poems


    The Poetry of Landscape in Thomas Hardy

    by Jeremy Robinson

    A short essay on Hardy's Wessex and his poetic vision of landscape and social múurs.

    Thomas Hardy Studies Series   15pp  With Notes  ISBN 1-871846-65-X  £3.00



    Thomas Hardy and John Cowper Powys: Wessex Revisited

    by Jeremy Robinson

    Both Hardy and Powys created a poetic Wessex landscape. Hardy's Wessex has entered popular folklore and myth, and is used in the promotion of holidays, walks, tours, museums, hotels, even town councils. John Cowper Powys's Wessex, in A Glastonbury Romance and Weymouth Sands, among other novels, is less well-known: a place of secret corners, mossy walls, ancient earthworks, Somerset wetlands and ferny hollows. Both writers are discussed thematically for their sense of nature, mythology, philosophy, painting, sensualism, labour, folklore and the family. D.H.Lawrence is referenced throughout as a bridge between Hardy and Powys. Finally Robinson considers the film versions of Hardy's novels. This is a valuable addition to the criticism of Hardy and Powys.

    Thomas Hardy Studies Series    Bibliography, notes, index and illustrations  151pp. ISBN 1-871846-67-6     £14.99 / $23.50

    It was incredibly lovely! Blue sky - wind blowing - diffused rainbows - the white clouds visible throí a vapour of Irised light all flowing & fluctuatingÖ The whole sky was a rainbow wind-blown waterfall, interspersed with blue. Up there the Reservoir was dark blue - lapis-lazuli - & round it all tall wind-tost yellow Ragwort & masses of Rose-Bay! The grey rocks dotted with pale purple Ling which is now the flourishing heather & interspersed by a few plants of bell-heather & its brown dead bells. Those green ferns, so narrow, glittering with diamonds of dew & I heard two Grouse crying crossly ëGet away! Get away! Get away!í The hills towards Ruthin stood out beautiful.

    (John Cowper Powys in his diary of early September 1936, describing a walk in the mountains of Merionethshire)


    The Ecstasies of John Cowper Powys

    by A.P. Seabright

    A study of the ecstatic fiction of John Cowper Powys, one of the wildest and strangest voices in modern literature.

    'An intelligent and wide-ranging survey, which both examines the importance of the notion of ecstasy in Powys's work and relates this to an astonishing range of authors and cultural practices and beliefs.' (The Powys Society Newsletter)

    John Cowper Powys Series  With bibliography and notes. 161pp  ISBN 1-86171-029-1     £14.99 / $23.50

    [Powys's] words, even today, have the power of bewitching me. At this very moment I am deep in his Autobiography, a most nourishing, stimulating book of 652 close-packed pages. It is the sort of biography I revel in, being utterly frank, truthful, sincere, and containing a superabundant wealth of trivia (most illuminating!) as well as the major events, or turning points, in one's life... His book is full of life-wisdom, revealed not so much through big incidents as little ones... The Autobiography I still believe to be the greatest, the most magnificent, of all autobiographies. I say this, having read most if not all of the celebrated works in this category. Reading it, one feels that he has lived life to the fullest. A rare and mighty spirit breathes, or rather blows, throughout.

    (Henry Miller, on Powys's Autobiography)


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    Henry Miller
    Lawrence Durrell: A Biography
    John Cowper Powys
    Bruce Chatwin



  • D.H. Lawrence's Lady Chatterley's Lover: A Critical Study
  • D.H. Lawrence: Infinite Sensual Violence
  • D.H. Lawrence: Symbolic Landscapes
  • The Passion of D.H.Lawrence
  • D.H. Lawrence: Selected Poems




  • Nature Poetry From Langland to Lawrence
  • Lawrence Durrell: Between Love and Death, Between East and West
  • Blinded By Her Light: The Love-Poetry of Robert Graves
  • Sexing Hardy: Thomas Hardy and Feminism
  • Thomas Hardy's Jude the Obscure: A Critical Study
  • Thomas Hardy's Tess of the d'Urbervilles: A Critical Study
  • Love and Tragedy: A Study of Thomas Hardy
  • Thomas Hardy: The Tragic Novels
  • Thomas Hardy: Selected Poems
  • The Poetry of Landscape in Thomas Hardy
  • Thomas Hardy and John Cowper Powys: Wessex Revisited
  • The Ecstasies of John Cowper Powys




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