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  • Rimbaud: Arthur Rimbaud and the Magic of Poetry
  • Arthur Rimbaud: Selected Poems
  • Arthur Rimbaud: A Season in Hell
  • Andre Gide: Fiction and Fervour in the Novels
  • Samuel Beckett Goes Into the Silence
  • In the Dim Void: Samuel Beckett's Late Trilogy
  • Julia Kristeva: Art, Love, Melancholy, Philosophy, Semiotics and Psychoanalysis
  • Luce Irigaray: Lips, Kissing, and the Politics of Sexual Difference
  • Helénè Cixous I Love You: The Jouissance of Writing
  • Cixous, Irigaray, Kristeva: The Jouissance of French Feminism
  • German Romantic Poetry: Goethe, Novalis, Heine, Hölderlin, Schlegel, Schiller
  • Rilke: Space, Essence and Angels in the Poetry of Rainer Maria Rilke
  • Rainer Maria Rilke: Dance the Orange: Selected Poems
  • Hölderlin's Songs of Light: Selected Poems
  • Stepping Forward: Essays, Lectures and Interviews
  • Dante: Selections From the Vita Nuova
  • Dante Studies: Dante in Love: The Vita Nuova
  • Petrarch, Dante and the Troubadours: The Religion of Love and Poetry
  • Cavafy: Anatomy of a Soul
  • Sappho: Poems
  • Arseny Tarkovsky: Life, Life: Selected Poems
  • Poetic Forms: A Handbook of Stanza-forms from the History of Poetry



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    Arthur Rimbaud and the Magic of Poetry

    by Jeremy Robinson

    A new study of France's extraordinary 16 year-old genius poet, the ever-rebel who ran away from home, had a debauched, Bohemian relationship with Paul Verlaine, gave up writing poetry at 19, and ended up in Aden gun-running and slave-trading. This book looks at Rimbaud's theory of poetics; his famous 'seer letter'; his ecstatic lyrical voice; his early works; the famous 'Le Bateau ivre'; and his two amazing mythopúic statements: Illuminations and A Season in Hell.

    Jeremy Robinson's books include Glorification: Religious Abstraction in Renaissance and 20th Century Art (1990), Arthur Rimbaud (1992), Lawrence Durrell (1995) and Detonation Britain: Nuclear War in the UK (1997). He edits two magazines, Passion and Pagan America (a journal of American poetry).

    European Writers Series  With notes and bibliography  115pp  ISBN 1-871846-56-0     £14.99 / $23.50

    Et comme il savourait surtout les sombres choses,
    Quand, dans la chambre nue aux persiennes closes,
    Haute et bleue, âcrement prise díhumidité,
    Il lisait son roman sans cesse médité,
    Plein de lourds ciels ocreux et de forêts noyés,
    De fleurs de chair aux bois sidérals déployées,
    Vertige, écroulements, déroutes et pitié!
    - Tandis que se faisait la rumeur du quartier,
    En bas, - seul, et couché sur des pièces de toile
    Ecrue, et pressentant violemment la voile!

    (And as he savoured dark things especially,
    When, in his bare room with its closed shutters,
    High and blue, with its arid humidity,
    He read his novel, always thinking about it,
    Full of heavy ochre skies and drowning forests,
    Of flowers of flesh strewn in starry woods,
    Vertigo, crumblings, disaster and pity!
    - While the noise of the neighbourhood continued
    Down below, - alone, and lying on pieces of
    Canvas, and violently envisioning an unbleached sail.)

    (Arthur Rimbaud, from 'Seven Year-old Poets')

    Arthur Rimbaud, life and work



    Arthur Rimbaud

    Morning of Ecstasy: Selected Poems

    edited and translated by Andrew Jary

    These new versions of searing lyricism will delight lovers of poetry. Jary has selected the most representative pieces by the whirlwind poet, including 'The Drunken Boat', 'Memory', and healthy chunks of A Season in Hell and Illuminations. Jary has produced clear, unfussy translations of Rimbaud's fiery verse. With the French text.

    European Writers Series  Notes & bibliography.  120pp   ISBN 1-861711166     £10.00 / $20.00


    O mon Bien! O mon Beau! Fanfare atroce où je ne trébuche point! Chevalet féerique! Hourra pour líúuvre inouïe et pour le corps merveilleux, pour la première fois! Cela commença sous les rires des enfants, cela finira par eux. Ce poison va rester dans toutes nos veines même quand, la fanfare tournant, nous serons rendu à líancienne inharmonie. O maintenant nous si digne de ces tortures! rassemblons fervemment cette promesse surhumaine faite à notre corps et à notre âme créés: cette promesse, cette démence! Líélégance, la science, la violence! On nous a promis díenterrer dans líombre líarbre du bien et du mal, de déporter les honnêtetés tyranniques, afin que nous amenions notre très pur amour. Cela commença par quelques dégouts et cela finit, - ne pouvant nous saisir sur-le-champ de cette éternité, - cela finit par une débande de parfums.
     Rire des enfants, discrétion des esclaves, austérité des vierges, horreur des figures et des objets díici, sacrés soyez-vous parle souvenir de cette veille. Cela commençait par toute la rustrerie, voici que cela finit par des anges de flamme et de glace.
     Petite veille díivresse, sainte! quand ce ne serait que pour le masque dont tu nous as gratifié. Nous tíaffirmons, méthode! Nous níoublions pas que tu as glorifié hier chacun de nos âges. Nous avons foi au poison. Nous savons donner notre vie tout entière tous les jours.
     Voici le temps des ASSASSINS.

    (O my Good! O my Beautiful! Atrocious fanfare where I do not stumble! Enchanted rack! Hurrah for the extraordinary work and for the wondrous body, for the first time! This began with the laughter of children, and it will end there. This poison will stay in all our veins even when, fanfare revolving, we return to the old discord, O now we are worthy of these tortures! let us fervently bring together again this superhuman promise made to our created bodies, our souls: this promise, this madness! Elegance, science, violence! they promised us they would bury in a shadow the tree of good and evil, and send away tyrannical honesty, so that we could bring forth our very pure love. It all began with some disgust and ended, - as we could not seize eternity on the spot - it ended with a rout of perfumes.
    Laughter of children, discretion of slaves, austerity of virgins, horror of figures and objects from here, make sacred the memory of that night. It began in total loutishness, and here it ends with angels of fire and ice.
    Little night of ecstasy, holy! if only for the mask you bequeathed to us. We affirm you, method! We will not forget that you glorified all our epochs yesterday . We have faith in poison. We will give our lives entirely every day.
    This is the time of the ASSASSINS.)

    (Arthur Rimbaud, 'Matinee d'ivresse' ['Morning of Ecstasy'])

    For more Rimbaud, click here


    Arthur Rimbaud:

    A Season in Hell

    edited and translated by Andrew Jary

    A new translation of Rimbaud's extraordinary poetic statement, written in 1873. The sensual, violent and anguished emotion in Rimbaud's visionary 'alchemy of the word' remains startling, unsurpassed, and continues to inspire poets. Printed with the French text facing the translation.

    European Writers Series  Notes & bibliography.  120pp   ISBN 1-861711174     £10.00 / $20.00

    Je vais dévoiler tous les mystères: mystères religieux ou naturels, mort, naissance, avenir, passé, cosmogonie, néant. Je sui maître en fantasmagories.
    Jíai tous les talents! - Il níy a personne ici et il y a quelquíun: je ne voudrais pas répandre mon trésor. - Veut-on des chants nègres, des danses de houris? Veut-on que je disparaisse, que je plonge à la recherche de líanneau? Veut-on? Je ferai de líor, des remèdes.

    (I will unveil all mysteries: religious mysteries or natural, death, birth, the future, the past, cosmogony, nothingness. I am master of phantasmagorias.
    I have every talent! - There is nobody here and there is someone: I would not like to give out my treasure -Would you like Black songs, houri dances. Would you like me to disappear, to plunge to discover the ring. Would you? I will make gold, and remedies.)

    (Arthur Rimbaud, from A Season in Hell)



    André Gide

    Fiction and Fervour in the Novels

    by Jeremy Robinson

    André Gide is the acclaimed literary giant of modern French literature. Throughout his career Gide exalted the role of the writer: as he wrote his letters and Journals he was always conscious of being a writer, of being read. This self-reflexivity and mise-en-abyme is found in the early works, Paludes, the mid-period novels, Strait is the Gate and The Vatican Cellars, and the modernist The Counterfeiters, in which the writing of the novel becomes more interesting (to the writer) than the story itself. There are detailed chapters on the early, ecstatic work Fruits of the Earth, and the proto-Existentialist novel The Immoralist.

    Jeremy Robinson's books include Glorification: Religious Abstraction in Renaissance and 20th Century Art (1990), Arthur Rimbaud (1992), Lawrence Durrell (1995) and Detonation Britain: Nuclear War in the UK (1997). He edits two magazines, Passion and Pagan America (a journal of American poetry).

    Bibliography, notes  110pp  ISBN 1-86171-030-5     £14.99 / $23.50

    Nathaniel, I will teach you fervour...

    (André Gide, from Fruits of the Earth



    Samuel Beckett Goes Into the Silence

    by Jeremy Robinson

    Samuel Beckett's art is much debated in critical circles: this book sets out to discover why. Beckett's sense of poetry and language and its relation to creativity and culture is central to his art. All the major fiction and plays are studied, including the Unnamable trilogy, Waiting For Godot, Endgame, How It Is, the short prose pieces of the 1960s and 70s, and the late plays and texts. Other chapters discuss the collaboration with Billie Whitelaw; Beckett's æsthetics of theatre; his relation to philosophers such as Sartre and Heidegger; and his use of silence.

    Jeremy Robinson's books include Glorification: Religious Abstraction in Renaissance and 20th Century Art (1990), Arthur Rimbaud (1992), Lawrence Durrell (1995) and Detonation Britain: Nuclear War in the UK (1997). He edits two magazines, Passion and Pagan America (a journal of American poetry).

    Bibliography, notes  121pp  ISBN 1-871846-41-2     £14.99 / $23.50

    The light there was then. On your back in the dark the light there was then. Sunless cloudless brightness. You slip away at break of day and climb to your hiding place on the hillside. A nook in the gorse. East beyond the sea the faint shape of high mountain. Seventy miles away according to your Longman. For the third or fourth time in your life. The first time you told them and were derided. All you had seen was cloud. So now you hoard it in your heart with the rest. Back home at nightfall supperless to bed. You lie in the dark and are back in that light. Straining out from your nest in the gorse with your eyes across the water till they ache. You close them while you count a hundred. Then open and strain again. Again and again. Till in the end it is there. Palest blue against the pale sky. You lie in the dark and are back in that light. Fall asleep in that sunless cloudless light. Sleep till morning light.

    (Samuel Beckett, from Company)

    In the Dim Void

    Samuel Beckett's Late Trilogy: Company, Ill Seen, Ill Said and Worstward Ho

    (new edition)

    by Gregory Johns

    This book discusses the luminous beauty and dense, rigorous poetry of Beckett's late works, Company, Ill Seen, Ill Said and Worstward Ho. Johns looks back over Beckett's long writing career, charting the development from the Molloy-Malone Dies-Unnamable trilogy through the 'fizzles' of the 1960s to the elegiac lyricism of the Company series. Johns compares the trilogy with late plays such as Ghosts, Footfalls and Rockaby.

    Gregory Johns taught English at the University of Iowa until his return to England in 1987. His articles have appeared in many leading journals. His books include critical studies of Thomas Pynchon, Raymond Carver and Paul Verlaine. He lives in Cornwall.

    A new edition, including a new introduction and a new bibliography.

    Bibliography, notes. 88pp  ISBN 1-86171-071-2     £10.00 / $20.00

    Julia Kristeva

    Art, Love, Melancholy, Philosophy, Semiotics and Psychoanalysis

    by Kelly Ives

    Julia Kristeva is a highly influential French philosopher and writer whose work encompasses semiotics; linguitics; women in China; modern America; the intellectual or dissident; concepts such as the power of horror; abjection; melancholy; and the chora or 'semiotic, pre-oedipal realm'; the Madonna and maternal world; and avant garde modernists such as Artaud, Joyce, Mallarme and Beckett

    Kelly Ives teaches women's studies and feminist theory at the University of California. Her books include Reading the Silences (1988), on writers such as Jane Austen, Emily Bronte and Virginia Woolf, Lesbian Tracks (1991), on lesbianism in pop music, Wild Zones: Pornography, Art and Feminism (Crescent Moon, 1994) and Cixous, Irigaray, Kristeva: The Jouissance of French Feminism (Crescent Moon 1996).

    European Writers Series  Bibliography and notes  132pp  ISBN 1-86171-000-3     £14.99 / $23.50

    In a world in which the Other has collapsed, the æsthetic task - a descent into the foundations of the symbolic construct - amounts to retracting the fragile limits of the speaking being, closest to its dawn, to the bottomless ìprimacyî constituted by primal repression. Through that experience, which is nevertheless managed by the Other, ìsubjectî and ìobjectî push each other away, confront each other, collapse, and start again - inseparable, contaminated, condemned, at the boundary of what is assimilable, thinkable. Great modern literature unfolds over that terrain: Dostoyevsky, Lautréamont, Proust, Artaud, Kafka, Céline.

    (Julia Kristeva, from Powers of Horror)

    To read an extract from the introduction, click here


    Luce Irigaray

    Lips, Kissing, and the Politics of Sexual Difference

    by Kelly Ives

    An exploration of the often controversial French thinker and feminist. Ives discusses Irigaray's relation with Nietzsche, Freud, Lacan, and other feminists. Irigaray's provocative notions include: labial lips embracing; sexual difference; the speculum; 'sexuate rights' and sexual ethics; women's language and power; angels; and female mystics.

    Kelly Ives teaches women's studies and feminist theory at the University of California. Her books include Reading the Silences (1988), on writers such as Jane Austen, Emily Bronte and Virginia Woolf, Lesbian Tracks (1991), on lesbianism in pop music, Wild Zones: Pornography, Art and Feminism (Crescent Moon, 1994) and Cixous, Irigaray, Kristeva: The Jouissance of French Feminism (Crescent Moon 1996).

    European Writers Series  Bibliography and notes  126pp  ISBN 1-86171-002-X     £14.99 / $23.50    NEW

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    Hélène Cixous I Love You

    The Jouissance of Writing

    by Kelly Ives

    Hélène Cixous is a challenging and lyrical French feminist and writer, author of the influential esay "The Laugh of the Medusa" and (with Catherine Clément) The Newly-Born Woman. Cixous is immensely productive, writing novels, plays, essays and poetic prose. Her ideas have provoked much debate in feminism: on the body, orgasmic writing, 'feminine' texts ('écriture féminine'), essentialism and the Nietzschean 'gift'.

    Kelly Ives teaches women's studies and feminist theory at the University of California. Her books include Reading the Silences (1988), on writers such as Jane Austen, Emily Brontë and Virginia Woolf, Lesbian Tracks (1991), on lesbianism in pop music, Wild Zones: Pornography, Art and Feminism (Crescent Moon, 1994) and Cixous, Irigaray, Kristeva: The Jouissance of French Feminism (Crescent Moon 1996).

    European Writers Series  Bibliography and notes  125pp  ISBN 1-86171-001-1     £14.99 / $23.50   NEW

    Walking, dancing, pleasure: these accompany the poetic act. I wonder what kind of poet doesnít wear out their shoes, writes with their head. The true poet is a reveller. Poetry is about travelling on foot and all its substitutes, all forms of transportation.

    (Hélène Cixous, from Three Steps on the Ladder of Writing)


    Cixous, Irigaray, Kristeva

    The Jouissance of French Feminism

    by Kelly Ives

    As writers, philosophers, speakers and feminists, Julia Kristeva, Hélène Cixous and Luce Irigaray are among the most provocative, subtle and illuminating voices in contemporary culture. Their concepts and methodologies continue to excite debate and contention among feminists and cultural critics. Ives discusses their major ideas, which include: jouissance and 'explosive' sexuality; women and marginality; the 'gift'; the pre-oedipal chora and semiotic realm; labial lips that embrace; social oppression; the relations between writing, language and identity; and the politics of gender, patriarchy and motherhood. Ives studies the relation of Cixous, Irigaray and Kristeva to other feminists, and to figures such as Nietzsche, de Beauvoir, Hegel, Marx, Joyce, Derrida, Barthes, Rimbaud, Lacan and Freud.

    Kelly Ives teaches women's studies and feminist theory at the University of California. Her books include Reading the Silences (1988), on writers such as Jane Austen, Emily Bronte and Virginia Woolf, Lesbian Tracks (1991), on lesbianism in pop music, Wild Zones: Pornography, Art and Feminism (Crescent Moon, 1994) and Cixous, Irigaray, Kristeva: The Jouissance of French Feminism (Crescent Moon 1996).

    Full bibliography and notes   195pp  ISBN 1-871846-88-9     £14.99 / $23.50

    As intersection of corporeal passion and idealization, love is undisputably the privileged experience for the blossoming of metaphor (abstract for concrete, concrete for abstract) as well as incarnation (the spirit becoming flesh, the word-flesh). Unless incarnation is a metaphor that has slipped into the real and has been taken for reality? A hallucination that is assumed to be real on account of the violence of amorous passion, which is in fact the ordinary manifestation of an alienation that confuses the fields of representation (real ? imaginary ? symbolic?)

    (Julia Kristeva, from Tales of Love)


    Cixous, Irigaray, Kristeva

    The Jouissance of French Feminist Philosophy

    (new edition)

    by Kelly Ives

    This new edition has a new introduction and a new bibliography.

    Full bibliography and notes  148pp  ISBN 1-86171-064-X  £15.99 / $25.00



    German Romantic Poetry

    Goethe, Novalis, Heine, Hölderlin

    by Carol Appleby

    This critical literary study looks at the chief poets and philosophers of the Romantic era who, between them, forged a new cult of mystical, lyrical poetry. After a discussion of the key ideas of German Romanticism (infinity, eternity, nostalgia, mythology, Hellenism, extremity, sensuality), Appleby concentrates on the poets: from Goethe, 'the last Renaissance man', as he is sometimes called, to the shamanic, Neoplatonic poet Novalis and his Hymen an die Nacht.

    With bibliography, notes   112pp    ISBN 1861711387   £10.00 / $20.00

    Geh unter, schöne Sonne, sie achteten
     Nur wenig dein, sie kannten dich, Heilg, nicht,
      Denn mühelos und stille bist du
       Über den mühsamen aufgegangen.

    (Go down, then, lovely sun, for but little they
     Regarded you, nor, holy one, knew your worth,
      Since without toil you rose, and quiet,
       Over a people for ever toiling.)

    (Friedrich Hölderlin, "Geh unter, schöne Sonne, sie achteten")




    Space, Essence and Angels in the Poetry of Rainer Maria Rilke

    by B.D. Barnacle

    Rilke is probably the great 20th century poet, certainly one of the richest, most potent and lyrically beautiful of all poets. This book looks at many of Rilke's curious notions: of the 'Open', which is identified with death; of innerness or 'Kunst-Ding' in the New Poems (derived from Rilke's time with Rodin); of the Nietzschean Angel in the Duino Elegies; and of love and death in the late Sonnets to Orpheus.

    B.D. Barnacle taught English in Paris until 1980. He now teaches in Oxford. His books include John Donne (1978), The Victorian Novel: Bronte, Dickens, Eliot, Hardy (1984), Shakespeare (Crescent Moon, 1992) and Rilke (Crescent Moon, 1993).

    European Writers Series   Bibliography, notes  76pp  ISBN 1-871846-76-5    £7.99 / $12.50

    The transforming experience which then seized me at a hundred places at once, emanated from the great reality of your being. I had never before, in my groping hesitancy, felt life so much, believed in the present, and recognized the future so much. You were the opposite of all doubt and witness to the fact that everything you touch, reach and see exists.

    (Rilke, letter to Lou Andreas-Salomé, November, 1903)

    Rainer Maria Rilke, life and work


    Rainer Maria Rilke

    Dance the Orange: Selected Poems

    translated by Michael Hamburger and edited by Jeremy Robinson

    This new collection includes poems taken from the time of the great German poet's New Poems through the Duino Elegies to the last pieces. These are some of Rilke's best works; though fragmentary, they are intense, compact, lyrical and lucid, by turns erotic, heartfelt and mystical. Hamburger's excellent translations have the German original facing each poem.

    European Writers Series  Notes & bibliography.  104pp   ISBN 1-861711182     £10.00 / $20.00

    Inside a rose your bed stands, beloved. Your very self
    (oh, I the swimmer against the current of fragrance)
    I have lost. As to my life before now
    these (from outside uncountable) three times three months are,
    so, beaten inward, not till then shall I be. All at once,
    two millennia before that new creature
    whom we enjoy when the touching begins,
    suddenly: faced with you, I am born, in the eye.

    (Rainer Maria Rilke, 'Arrival')

    To read some more of Rainer Maria Rilke's poetry, click here


    Hölderlin's Songs of Light

    Selected Poems

    by Friedrich Hölderlin

    translated by Michael Hamburger and edited  by Jeremy Robinson

    The German Romantic poet Friedrich Hölderlin (1770-1843) is one of the very greatest poets - of any era. Hölderlin's poetry is airy, radiant and incredibly lyrical. This selection features many of his best odes, poems and hymns, from the whole span of his career. Michael Hamburger is a respected poet and critic. He has translated Rilke, Celan and Goethe, among others, as well the whole of Hölderlin's poetry. Hamburger's awards include The Schlegel-Tieck Prize, the Goethe Medal and the European Translation Prize.

    'Few can have done more to enhance (and in many cases create) the appreciation of German poetry among an Anglophone audience' (Times Literary Supplement)

    European Writers Series  Notes & bibliography. 88pp  ISBN 1-86171-027-5    £7.99 / $12.50  NEW


    Beautiful being, you live as do delicate blossoms in winter,
     In a world that's grown old hidden you blossom, alone.
    Lovingly outward you press to bask in the light of the springtime,
     To be warmed by it still, look for the youth of the world.
    But your sun, the lovelier world, has gone down now,
     And the quarrelling gales rage in an icy bleak night.

              (Friedrich Hölderlin, 'To Diotima')

              To read more Hölderlin, click here



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    Stepping Forward: Essays, Lectures and Interviews

    by Wolfgang Iser

    New, unpublished pieces on reader theory; Tom Jones; fictionalizing; and cultural studies, among others. Iser is a leading exponent of 'reception theory'.

    Wolfgang Iser's books include The Implied Reader (1974), The Act of Reading (1978), Prospecting (1989) and The Fictive and the Imaginary (1993). He has written books on Laurence Sterne (1988) and Walter Pater (1987). He is Professor of English and Comparative Literature at the University of Constance in Germany.

    75pp  ISBN 1-86171-035-6    £7.99 / $12.50

    Interview with Wolfgang Iser


    Dante: Selections From the Vita Nuova

    Translated by Thomas Okey

    edited and introduced by Joanna Finn-Kelcey

    Poems and prose from Dante Alighieri's New Life, his 'Book of Memory', recording his religious devotion to his believed Beatrice, translated by Thomas Okey, with the original Italian text on the facing page. Okey's tender, lyrical versions of Dante's great book of romantic love date from the early years of the 20th century. Finn-Kelcey's introduction explores the intricate emotional psychology of the Dante-poet, and his unsurpassed talent for making poetry out of love, loss and memory.

    Joanna Finn-Kelcey has taught European languages at the University of Cambridge and Ohio State University. Her books include Mediaeval Representations (1991) and Dante Studies: Dante in Love, on the Vita Nuova (Crescent Moon, 1997).

    European Writers Series  Bibliography and notes  96pp  ISBN 1861711522  £10.00 / $20.00

    ...che questa mirabile donna aparve a me vestita di colore bianchissimo, in mezzo di due gentili donne, le quali erano di più lunga etade; e passando per una via, volse gli occhi verso quella parte ov'io era molto pauroso; e per la sua ineffabile cortesia, la quale è oggi meritata nel grande secolo, mi salutò molto vir-tuosamente tanto, che mi parve allora vedere tutti i termini della beautitudine.
    [...this wondrous lady appeared to me clothed in hue of purest white in the midst of two gentle ladies who were of fuller age; and passing by the way she turned her eyes towards that part where I was right fearful; and of her ineffable courtesy which now is rewarded in the greater world, gave me a salutation of such virtue, that methought I beheld the utter-most bounds of blessedness.]

    (Dante, from the Vita Nuova, III)

    Dante Studies: Dante in Love

    The Vita Nuova

    by Joanna Finn-Kelcey

    Dante Alighieri 's early work, the Vita Nuova or 'New Life' was one of the most influential books in the history of love poetry. Finn-Kelcey discusses the links between Dante and his contemporaries, the stilnovisti; Dante and the troubadours; Dante and the courtly love tradition; the discourses of self, identity, autobiography, eroticism and gender in the Vita Nuova; and Dante's sexual politics

    Joanna Finn-Kelcey has taught European languages at the University of Cambridge and Ohio State University. Her books include Mediaeval Representations (1991) and Dante Studies: Dante in Love, on the Vita Nuova (forthcoming).

    European Writers Series  Bibliography, notes  160ppp  ISBN 1-86171-010-0     £14.99 / $23.50  forthcoming

    Petrarch, Dante and the Troubadours

    The Religion of Love and Poetry

    by Cassidy Hughes

    These two Renaissance writers tower over European culture. Here the love poetry of Francesco Petrarch (his Canzoniere) and Dante Alighieri (the Vita Nuova and Divine Comedy) is analyzed. Hughes places Dante and Petrarch in the courtly love tradition of the troubadours, Minnesangers, minstrels and stilnovisti, the creators of the great flowering of erotic poetry in the late Middle Ages.

    Cassidy Hughes is a writer and photographer. His previous books include Images of India (1982), Petrarch, Dante and the Troubadours (1992) and Sex in Art (1993). His photographs have been exhibited in London, Rome, Hong Kong and New York (among others). He lives near St Just in West Penwith, Cornwall.

    European Writers Series Bibliography and notes  122pp  ISBN 1-871846-71-4     £14.99 / $23.50

    Then Beatrice looked at me, her eyes
    sparkling with love and burning so divine,
    my strength of sight surrendered to her power -

    with eyes cast down, I was about to faint.

    (Dante, from the Divina Commedia)


    Cavafy: Anatomy of a Soul

    by Matt Crispin

    A study of the great modern Greek poet, the master of melancholy lyricism and erotic nostalgia. C.P. Cavafy's poetry fluidly melded the mythological and historical Hellenic world with alienated, modern day Alexandria. Cavafy's poesie was always driven by one of the most intense (yet controlled) displays of sexual desire in modern literature. This is Matt Crispin's third book on Cavafy, and offers many insights into the poet's artistic disposition. Translations of Cavafy by the author.

    Matt Crispin has written three books on the Greek poet C.P. Cavafy. He has also written plays. He lives in Sussex.

    European Writers Series With notes and bibliography  110pp  ISBN 1-871846-22-6     £14.99 / $23.50

    The city will haunt you. You'll stroll
    in the same streets. You will age in the same places.
    And you will turn grey in the same rooms.
    You will again and again arrive back here.
    There is no ship for you, no way out.

    (C.P. Cavafy, from 'The City')

    Sappho: You Burn Me: Poems

    translated by J.M. Edmonds and edited by Louise Cooper

    All of the important poems by the ancient Greek love poet are here, with the Greek original texts facing each poem.

    European Writers Series  Notes & bibliography. 67pp  ISBN 1-86171-033-X  £10.00 / $20.00   forthcoming

    It is to be a god, methinks, to sit before you and listen close by to the sweet accents and winning laughter which have made the heart in my breast beat fast, I warrant you. When I look on you, Brocheo, my speech comes short or fails me quite, I am tongue-tied; in a moment a delicate fire has overrun my flesh, my eyes grow dim and my ears sing, the sweat runs down me and a trembling takes me altogether, till I am as green and pale as the grass, and death itself seems not very far away; but now that I am poor, I must fain be content...



    Arseny Tarkovsky

    Life, Life: Selected Poems

    translated and edited by Virginia Rounding

    Arseny Tarkovsky is the neglected Russian poet, father of the acclaimed film director Andrei Tarkovsky. This new book gathers together many of tarkovsky's most lyrical and heartfelt poems, in Rounding's clear, new translations. Many of Tarkovsky's poems appeared in his son's films, such as Mirror, Stalker, Nostalghia and The Sacrifice. There is an introduction by Rounding, and a bibliography of both Arseny and Andrei Tarkovsky.

    Bibliography and notes  85pp  ISBN 1-86171-037-2  £6.99 / $11.00


    The last leaves' embers in total immolation
    Rise into the sky; this whole forest
    Seethes with irritation, just as we did
    That last year we lived together.

    (Arseny Tarkovsky, from 'Ignatyevo Forest')

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    Poetic Forms

    A Handbook of Stanza-forms from the History of Poetry

    by Jeremy Robinson

    A guide to traditional forms of verse, such as the sonnet, ode, elegy and quatrain, as well as some lesser known poetic forms used in mediæval and Renaissance Europe, as found in Petrarch, Sceve, Tasso, Dante and the troubadours (eg the canso and dizain).

    Jeremy Robinson's books include Glorification: Religious Abstraction in Renaissance and 20th Century Art (1990), Arthur Rimbaud (1992), Lawrence Durrell (1995) and Detonation Britain: Nuclear War in the UK (1997). He edits two magazines, Passion and Pagan America (a journal of American poetry).

    Bibliography  30pp  ISBN 1-871846-75-7  £3.99 / $6.00



    individual studies of:
    Arthur Rimbaud
    Rainer Maria Rilke
    Friedrich Nietzsche
    Andre Gide
    Friedrich Hölderlin
    translations of C.P. Cavafy by Edmund Keeley

  • Rimbaud: Arthur Rimbaud and the Magic of Poetry
  • Arthur Rimbaud: Selected Poems
  • Arthur Rimbaud: A Season in Hell
  • Andre Gide: Fiction and Fervour in the Novels
  • Samuel Beckett Goes Into the Silence
  • In the Dim Void: Samuel Beckett's Late Trilogy
  • Julia Kristeva: Art, Love, Melancholy, Philosophy, Semiotics and Psychoanalysis
  • Luce Irigaray: Lips, Kissing, and the Politics of Sexual Difference
  • Helene Cixous I Love You: The Jouissance of Writing
  • Cixous, Irigaray, Kristeva: The Jouissance of French Feminism
  • German Romantic Poetry: Goethe, Novalis, Heine, Holderlin, Schlegel, Schiller
  • Rilke: Space, Essence and Angels in the Poetry of Rainer Maria Rilke
  • Rainer Maria Rilke: Dance the Orange: Selected Poems
  • Holderlin's Songs of Light: Selected Poems
  • Stepping Forward: Essays, Lectures and Interviews
  • Dante: Selections From the Vita Nuova
  • Dante Studies: Dante in Love: The Vita Nuova
  • Petrarch, Dante and the Troubadours: The Religion of Love and Poetry
  • Cavafy: Anatomy of a Soul
  • Sappho: Poems
  • Arseny Tarkovsky: Life, Life: Selected Poems
  • Poetic Forms: A Handbook of Stanza-forms from the History of Poetry




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