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  • Leonardo da Vinci
  • Piero della Francesca
  • Fra Angelico
  • Giovanni Bellini
  • Early Netherlandish Painting
  • Glorification: Religious Abstraction in Renaissance and 20th Century Painting
  • The Erotic Object: Sexuality in Sculpture From Prehistory to the Present Day
  • The Erotic Object  in Close-Up
  • Sex in Art: Pornography and Pleasure in Painting and Sculpture
  • Sacred Gardens: The Garden in Myth, Religion & Art





    Andy Goldsworthy   |  Art   |   Art in Close-Up Series   |   Sculpture   |  Painters   |  American Painters   |  Renaissance Painters   |  Renaissance Writers   | J.R.R. Tolkien   | Harry Potter and J.K. Rowling   |   Cinema   |  Media, Cinema, Culture, Feminism   |   Feminism and Gender Studies   |   Literature   |   Poetry   | Contemporary Poetry   |  Novelists   |  19th Century and Romantic Culture   |   European Writers   |   British Poets   |   Shakespeare Studies   |   Arthur Rimbaud Studies   |   D.H. Lawrence Studies   |  John Cowper Powys Studies   |   Thomas Hardy Studies   |   Journals   |   Alchemy Records  | Index of Titles, ISBNs, Dates and Prices   |   New Titles and Forthcoming Books   |   TV arts documentaries on DVD and video



    Leonardo da Vinci

    by James Pearson

    Leonardo's art is the apotheosis of Renaissance - and Western - art. He depicted angels, Madonnas and saints in ever-mysterious images. His sfumato paintings remain some of the most hypnotic in art. The sheer intensity of Leonardo's curiosity and his spectacular inventiveness in the fields of science, botany, geology, anatomy, medicine and warfare make him more than worthy of the name 'universal genius'.

    Painters Series  Bibliography, notes, illustrations   ISBN 1-898283-24-9  102pp    £10.99 / $17.00


    Piero della Francesca

    by Naomi Haskell

    One of the major artists of the Quattrocento, Piero della Francesca, who died in 1492, turned mathematics and perspective into a mysticism of space and light. Piero's graceful planar geometry was a precursor of Cubism and 20th century abstraction. Haskell concentrates on Piero's series of monumental Madonnas, the magnificent Madonna della Misericordia and the mysterious pregnant Goddess, the Madonna del Parto, also his Arezzo fresco cycle, the Resurrection, and the enigmatic Flagellation.

    Painters Series  Bibliography, notes, illustrations  ISBN 1-898283-25-7   85pp    £7.99 / $12.50


    Fra Angelico

    Art and Religion in the Renaissance

    by Rosalind Mutter

    Beato Angelico is the Quattrocento painter of Florence whose Annunciations, Enthroned Madonnas and San Marco frescoes are amongst the greatest works of the Renaissance. Mutter founds her reading of Angelico on the San Marco Museum in Florence, with its deeply moving series of monk's cells and frescoes. The author interprets Fra Angelico as one of the greatest religious artists of any era, whose simple, bright and holy images are among the most profound in Western art.

    Painters Series  92pp, illustrations, bibliography, notes  ISBN 1-871846-48-X     £7.99 / $12.50




    Giovanni Bellini

    by Julia Davis

    The mythology and veneration of divine motherhood was lyrically refined by the great Venetian Renaissance painter. 'Undoubtedly one of the greatest masters of painting' writes Rona Goffen. Davis employs French philosopher Julia Kristeva's psychoanalytic reading of Bellini as a departure point for an lucid exploration of the themes of motherhood, gender, form, colour, pain, emotion and sacrality.

    Painters Series  Bibliography, notes, illustrations  ISBN 1-898283-26-5  95pp     £7.99 / $12.50

    ...craftsmen of Western art reveal better than anyone else the artistís debt to the maternal body and/or motherhoodís entry into symbolic existence - that is, translibidinal jouissance, eroticism taken over by the language of art. Not only is a considerable portion of pictorial art devoted to motherhood, but within this representation itself, from Byzantine iconography to Renaissance humanism and the worship of the body that it initiates, two attitudes toward the maternal body emerge, prefiguring two destinies within the very economy of Western representation. Leonardo da Vinci and Giovanni Bellini seem to exemplify in the best fashion the opposition between these two attitudes. On the one hand, there is a tilting toward the body as fetish. On the other, a predominance of luminous, chromatic differences beyond and despite corporeal representation. Florence and Venice. Worship of the figurable, representable man; or integration of the image accomplished in its truthlikeness within the luminous serenity of the unrepresentable.

    (Julia Kristeva, from "Motherhood According to Bellini")



    Early Netherlandish Painting

    by Rosalind Mutter

    This illustrated survey of Early Flemish or Netherlandish painters discusses the major works of Rogier van der Weyden, van Eyck, Christus, Massys, Memling, van der Goes, Bouts, Campin, David, van Cleeve and many anonymous artists. Mutter contrasts the wealth of Northern European art with the Italian Renaissance painters, and finds the Flemish artists every bit as rich and profound as Botticelli, Mantegna, Piero, Masaccio or Bellini.

    Painters Series  Bibliography, notes, illustrations  126pp  ISBN 1-871846-83-8   £14.99 / $23.50




    Religious Abstraction in Renaissance and 20th Century Painting

    by Jeremy Robinson

    A study of the iconography, symbolism, abstraction and mythopoeia in Renaissance and modern art. Nine painters are explored in detail: Renaissance masters Fra Angelico, Fra Filippo Lippi, Sandro Botticelli, Piero della Francesca, Hans Memling, Leonardo da Vinci, Andrea del Sarto, and 20th century American abstract artists Brice Marden and Ad Reinhardt, whose Black Paintings mark the end of one path of religious art. Chapters include discussions of abstraction and figuration in sacred art; the hermeneutics of space, light, colour and abstraction; the iconology of the Virgin Mary, Christ and angels; the symbolism of geometry, numerology and colour.

    Jeremy Robinson's books include Rimbaud (1992), Lawrence Durrell (1995) and Detonation Britain: Nuclear War in the UK (1997). He edits two magazines, Passion and Pagan America (a journal of American poetry).

    Painters Series  With full index, bibliography and lists of over 650 artworks cited. Illustrated.  220pp  New, second edition   ISBN 1-871846-27-7    £15.99 / $25.00

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    The Erotic Object

    Sexuality in Sculpture From Prehistory to the Present: Special Edition

    by Susan Quinnell

    The power of sculpture, form, volume and space is sensitively explored in this wide-ranging study. Featuring discussions of many famous sculptors: Michelangelo, Canova, Rodin, Brancusi, Picasso, Hepworth and Bernini. Many contemporary artists are discussed, including installation and performance artists (Catherine Elwes, Karen Finley, Carolee Schneemann), and women sculptors such as Alice Aycock, Mary Miss, Rebecca Horn, Nancy Graves, Eva Hesse, Kathe Kollwitz and Judy Chicago.

    A new special edition, with many new ilustrations, including colour, a new introduction and bibliography.

    260 pages

    PBK  ISBN 1-86171-069-0  £20.00 / $50.00

    HDBK  ISBN 1-86171-174-3  £50.00 / $100.00

    The Erotic Object in Close-Up

    Sexuality in Sculpture From Prehistory to the Present Day

    by Susan Quinnell

    Sculptureís sensual impact is explored in this new critical study, which ranges over the history of sculpture from prehistoric times to contemporary art. Space, place, form, colour, light, texture, scale, and the materials of sculpture.
    Featuring analyzes of many key artists in the world of sculpture: Michelangelo, Bernini, Arp, Gaudier-Brzeska, Canova, Rodin, Brancusi, Picasso, Duchamp, Cornell, Rauschenberg, Calder, Giacometti, Degas, Newman, Hesse, Judd, Morris, Smithson, Stella, Hepworth, Smith, Elwes, Finley, Schneemann, Aycock, Miss, Horn, Graves, Kollwitz and Chicago.

    Art in Close-up Series   Bibliography, notes, illustrations   112pp  ISBN 1-86171-077-1  £19.99 / $32.00   forthcoming


    Sex in Art

    Pornography and Pleasure in Painting and Sculpture

    by Cassidy Hughes

    A comprehensive and detailed survey of erotic art from ancient times to the modern era. All the major erotic artists of the Western tradition are analyzed (Schiele, Bellmer, Rowlandson, Picasso, Titian, Ingres, Rops, Leonardo). Other chapters include erotica in ancient Greece, Rome and Egypt, Oriental erotic art (Taoist and Tantric art from China and India), gender and eroticism in Renaissance art, and the sensuality of sculpture. A discussion of the complex relationship between art and pornography provides the central critical axis for this challenging book.

    Cassidy Hughes is a writer and photographer. His previous books include Images of India (1982), Petrarch, Dante and the Troubadours (1992) and Sex in Art (1993). His photographs have been exhibited in London, Rome, Hong Kong and New York (among others). He lives near St Just in West Penwith, Cornwall.

    Bibliography, notes and illustrations. 210pp  ISBN 1-871846-91-9  £19.99



    Sex in Art

    Pornography and Pleasure in the History of Art and Design: Special Edition

    by Cassidy Hughes

    This new, special edition contains many new illustrations (some of which are rare), a new introduction and bibliography.

    Bibliography, index, illustrations  224pp  ISBN 1-86171-067-4  £29.99 / $45.00


    Sacred Gardens

    The Garden in Myth, Religion & Art

    by Jeremy Robinson

    The garden, even the smallest and most modest of front lawns, is a miniature version of Paradise. This book relates gardens to sacred places, such as churches, temples, stone circles, mosques and mythic gardens. The nostalgic myth of a 'Golden Age', Arcadia or Paradise lies at the heart of this study of the history of gardens.

    With notes and photographs  35pp  ISBN 1-871846-86-2     £7.99 / $12.50



  • Leonardo da Vinci
  • Piero della Francesca
  • Fra Angelico
  • Giovanni Bellini
  • Early Netherlandish Painting
  • Glorification: Religious Abstraction in Renaissance and 20th Century Painting
  • The Erotic Object: Sexuality in Sculpture From Prehistory to the Present Day
  • The Erotic Object  in Close-Up
  • Sex in Art: Pornography and Pleasure in Painting and Sculpture
  • Sacred Gardens: The Garden in Myth, Religion & Art







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